Sustainability marketing term


Students will choose one of four options for an individual term paper (maximum body of approx. 3,500 words).

Option A: Research and analyze two companies competing in the same category- one that genuinely incorporates sustainability marketing into its operations and one that either does not do any sustainability marketing or that only superficially does so. Compare consumer perceptions of their respective brands, and predict the companies relative long-term competitiveness in that category.

Option B: Forecast the future of sustainability marketing, using specific principles and concrete examples to support your arguments. Will the fields’ future be positive or negative? For whom or for what? And based on whose standards? Recommend practical and constructive changes to the field of sustainability marketing.

Option C: Reflect on the key themes and principles of sustainability marketing from the course and its associated activities. Describe the most surprising, the most inspirational, and the most challenging aspects of the field of sustainability marketing, in your opinion. How will these insights influence and shape your professional practice?

Option D: Develop an environmental marketing plan for a real business of your choice.

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