“Sustained Competitive Advantage”

Watch this video clip entitled, “Sustained Competitive Advantage” and then explain causal ambiguity? How does it happen and what can be learned from it? Provide at least one example.
Casual ambiguity is when companies cannot figure out why a competitor has an advantage over them when they are trying to recreate their success. The video spoke of Apple and its casual ambiguity but the “world” always thought that the casual ambiguity for Apple was Steve Jobs.

It happens many times by the pure desire of one or more persons to wanting to be the best. Take Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford built his first car in his home, his original company went under but he reorganized it as the Henry Ford Company. One thing he maintained throughout changes and time was the rights to his name which in turn was of value due to his reputation as the man who built the first car. This was his casual ambiguity, just as the case last week discussed Michael Jordon, the value of a respected athlete and his name sustains its value over time if handled properly and helps companies maintain a competitive advantage.
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