SWOT Analysis

Scenario – Bingo Pet Toys is a small local company with two stores in Minneapolis, MN that sells major brand food and treats, toys, collars and leashes, beds, travel

crates, and grooming tools for cats and dogs. They have a “doggie day care” on premises, and the store is located close to major shopping areas. Their Web presence is

a simple but nicely designed informational site.

Analysis – Develop either a bulleted list or a Word table that clearly identifies 3-5 concepts each for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats as explained

in the Unit 1 Reading PDF. Use either full sentences or phrases; be consistent. Do not directly use source material for this part of the assignment, although you might

find ideas by reviewing competitors’ websites. Be creative, but within the scope of what such a company might need to know.

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