Symbolic Meanings within The Hunger Games

Symbolic Meanings within The Hunger Games

The post contains three asighnments

1:Symbolic Meanings within The Hunger Games

Essay Questions
1. In Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games, symbols are very important throughout the novel. Explain why and how.

Topic: How and why symbols in the Hunger Games are important
Symbolic Meanings within The Hunger Games


give background information about plagiarism and give list of examples of plagiarism and how it can effect a student long term and short term. Give reasons as to why its wrong to plagiarism

3:Coke vs pepsi

Coke vs. Pepsi You have been asked to research two well-known companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Write to convince a friend which company, Coca-Cola or Pepsi, is a better and why. Do an introduction paragraph and your most convincing body paragraph, which includes a counter-claim and full rebuttal.

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