Synthesis essay


Essay #2:

You have to write a synthesis essay:

  • No more than 2 pages
  • 12pt Times New Roman Font
  • Double space

Discuss common themes addressed in the readings and the ways in which the various authors “talk to one another” about these themes. How does this group of articles contribute to our understanding of particular ideas and questions?

Do not organize your essay by source/article, your essay needs to make connections among source materials. The handout will help you write your essay – make sure to follow the steps:

  1. Planning a synthesis paper: What are the common points/categories? / What are the possible research questions?
  2. Writing a synthesis paper: One you have your common point/your topic: what are your 2-3 subtopics? (your essay is only 2 pages max.!). For each subtopic, create a topic sentence, and support your topic sentences incorporating source material (we have read, annotated and discussed five articles/chapter)
  3. Recognizing synthesis
  4. Review

Our source material / Readings:

  • The Latino Threat Narrative
  • The Hispanic Challenge
  • Latin@ Languages & Identities
  • Borderlands/La frontera (selected chapters)
  • Amerikanuak (film and articles)
  • Re-imagining the Latino/a Race
  • Shifting negotiations of identity in a Dominican American community
  • Dime con quién hablas (Zentella)
  • Living in Spanglish (Morales)

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