In a 5 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a […]
Conflict Management, Communication, and Team Building
Self-assessment of preferred conflict-handling modes is important. As you read and answer the 30-item conflict survey, think of how you respond to conflict in professional situations. After completing the […]
Communication, Negotiation, And Decision-Making
Danone’s Wrangle with WahahaThis week’s discussion will focus on cultural negotiation using the case study about Danone in China (p. 255 in the textbook).This case is […]
For this discussion, you are going to take a look back at how far you have come as a communicator, what you still need […]
Communication, Supporting Evidence
• Prepare a 15-slide presentation of the strategic plan you developed in assessment 2, to be delivered to key stakeholders at a strategic visioning session. • Present your […]
Communication, Maintenance of Order
Language can be explored from the perspective of sociocultural anthropology as well as from the perspective of biological anthropology. In exploring non-human primate communication, actual observation, rather than reading, […]
Communication, Risk, and Human Resources.
This week, you will submit the next three parts of the course-length project. The deliverables for Week 3 are: The communications plan: Determine stakeholders from the requirements determination section. Add […]
Armand Mattelart argues that communication encompasses the myriad circuits emerging from the circulation of goods, people and information. Central to this definition are notions of connection, distance, and mobility. Richard […]
Based on your reading, what is your definition of communication? What is “noise” in communication? As a therapist, how would you use the Transactional Model’s channels of communication with your […]
With all the technology we now have for communicating, why has poor or miscommunication been a major one or two problems for most organizations for the past 100 years or […]