Tartuffe Analysis


Essay Prompt:

Tartuffe has been described as both “theatrically and politically dangerous.” In what ways? In what ways does Tartuffe, as a character or the play in general, represent a threat to the status quo and can you see any parallels to Oedipus Rex in regards to an inversion of the “natural order of things?”

Writing Instructions:

• Start your paper by succinctly introducing your topic.
• Explain what you will prove or claim about the essay prompt (i.e., “Thesis Statement” or “Claim”)
• Your thesis statement needs to be specific and concrete (e.g, tell the reader in no uncertain terms what it is you will show or attempt to prove in the essay)
• Avoid statements that are general and sweeping that go way beyond the scope of the paper (i.e., “Oedipus Rex is full of contradictions and those can lead us to make bad decisions.” It’s too broad for a paper of this size.)

• Prove what you say you are going to do (e.g. prove your thesis statement).
• Avoid introducing extraneous and tangential material that does not support your claim.
• Remain focused on the topic and thesis statement.
o Support your thesis statement with direct evidence from the script. Use direct quotes when applicable.
o Do not simply state what you believe without evidence.
o Do not summarize the text.
o When referring to specific passages, be sure to cite accordingly and appropriately using MLA format.
• When quoting the text, be sure to use in text citation formatting.
• Failure to cite a source from which you draw could be grounds for plagiarism. This is a form of academic dishonesty and will be reported to the Dean of Students.

• So What? Explain your findings in the matter. Tell us the reader, what is significant about your interpretation of the play and what it actually means. In other words, what is the significance of the play in your eyes?

Works Cited:
• List in alphabetical order the sources which you draw upon in your paper. In most cases, it will only be one source, but it could be more depending on which essay you are writing (Essay #2, for example, will have more than one source).


• Write in simple, straightforward and coherent sentences.
• Use active verbs and have nouns, not dependent clauses, serve as the subjects of sentences.
• Watch out for agreement of tense and number.
• Avoid the repetition of words.

• Always remember to proofread your work.
• Make sure the paper is formatted correctly: 1” margins, Times New Roman font, 12 pt, double spaced.
• Title centered on first page
• Your name, “THE2300”, and the date right justified on the top right-hand corner.

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