Teaching and learning in Chemistry

Teaching and learning in Chemistry

The post has three asighnments

1: what does it mean to work scientifically and what are the implications for teaching and learning in chemistry

2: Philosophy on Community College System

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In order for the Scholarship Selection Committee to consider your scholarship application, you are required to submit a minimum one-page typed statement describing how
you exemplify the philosophy of the community college based on the following statement:

“The Community College System was designed to encourage educational opportunities for populations typically under served by traditional colleges and universities.
Access to higher education is made easier by an “open door” admissions policy, affordable tuition rates and attractive two-year programs. The college aggressively
seeks the non-traditional student as well as the high school senior. Programs offered, which are of high quality, provide a choice of career programs or the more
traditional liberal arts program. The community college prepares students for a new career or for transfer to a four-year college or university. Most importantly, the
community college provides access to education.”

3:In 250 words or less, please describe your current involvement in civic affairs, public service, or patriotic affairs and how you hope to continue your involvement
in the future, either through your profession or extracurricular activities.

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