Teaching the Next Generations

Following the presentation in Module/Week 6, “Zwingli’s Theology of Preaching as an Example,” compare and contrast how at least 2 religious educators of the past have approached the task of grounding their educational endeavors in a robust, theological framework. Educators should be chosen from Part II of the Towns & Forrest textbook.

Textbook Readings
McDill: Skills 11–12
Linhart: chs. 12, 19–22
Richards & Bredfeldt: chs. 13–18
Towns & Forrest: 2 choice chapters from Part III or IV
Linhart, Terry, ed. Teaching the Next Generations. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016.

McDill, Wayne. 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching. 2nd ed. Nashville: B & H Academic, 2006.

Richards, Lawrence O., and Gary J. Bredfeldt. Creative Bible Teaching. Rev. ed. Chicago: Moody Press, 1998.

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