
1.6. Explain, in detail, how culture, structure, and systems can support or discourage teamwork. 1.7. Discuss the four Cs that are determinants of high performing teams, and explain how they contribute to the improving team performance. 1.8. Describe the significance of self-directed teams and the meaning of autonomous/semiautonomous work teams. How do self-directed teams compare to decision teams and task teams? Chapter 6 and 7 (200 words each paragraph) 4.6. Since violated expectations often lead to conflict for individual and team relationships, explain some of the most common expectations that leaders and subordinates often violate. Share personal work-related or community-based examples to solidify your understanding of the concept. In addition, discuss how these types of problems were handled in your workplace or team-building scenario. Were the methods used correct or incorrect? Explain your answer. 4.7. Select one of the team mediation techniques (negotiation, role clarification, or start-stop-continue), and describe how you would use this technique to defuse a team conflict situation. Include an example of one of the techniques that you have witnessed in your work environment. 4.8. Identify some of the sources of conflict often experienced in teams. Select one of the sources and describe an exercise the team could utilize to overcome the conflict. Chapters 10 and 11 (500 words each answer). 6.1. Critically examine the five-team processes that encourage innovation. What is the significance of each process and how does it relate specifically to the team’s leader? 6.2. ​Temporary teams are an integral part of an organization’s success. Describe some of the key components of temporary teams. Also, explain how temporary teams impact teamwork in the entire organization.

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