Technology Timeline


Select five specific artifacts of technology that have impacted you throughout your life, and find a picture of each.
Arrange your pictures in a chronological timeline by associating each picture with a specific age or time in your life.
Write a title for each picture that includes:
The name of the technology
The year you first used the technology
Your age at the time
Write a 3-5 sentence caption for each picture that describes how that specific technology influenced your experiences and self-identity at that time in your life. When writing your captions, you might consider these questions: Did you have an emotional connection to this particular technology? Why? How did this technology shape your self-conception? Your relationship with others? How did this technology affect your thoughts about yourself and the world?
Compose a concluding paragraph of about 7-10 sentences that reflects on how these forms of technology impacted your personal development. Some questions to consider include: Would you be the same person you are today without this technology? Did any of the technologies covered change you during a specific time of your life? Describe how technology, in general, is a part of who you are based on the artifacts you included in this assignment?


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