Terry v. Ohio (1968)

Using Terry v. Ohio, create a scenario where a police officer would apply the principles in this case. Use role play to show the scenario to the class.

Terry v. Ohio (1968)

Terry v. Ohio – https://www.oyez.org/cases/1967/67

1. Explain the legal requirements for a lawful stop

and for a lawful frisk.
2. When given a scenario, you will explain if the
legal requirements for the following are present:
stop, and search.
3. Compare and contrast the legal requirements for
a lawful arrest and stationhouse detention.
4. Discuss the purpose for a lawful stop and frisk.
5. Contrast the differences between a lawful frisk
with a lawful search.
6. Describe the circumstances of Terry v. Ohio and its effect upon law enforcement.

7. Compare and contrast the differences between a lawful stop and frisk with a lawful arrest.

8. Using court decisions, you will evaluate whether race can be used as a criteria for a lawful stop.

9. Explain how the doctrine of stop and frisk can be applied to the following: motor vehicles and residences.

10. Discuss the legal development of stop and frisk.


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