Testing Experiment

Net Force and Motion with an Atwood machine Hypothesis: Formulate a hypothesis about the relationship between the net force on an object and its motion. Think about how this hypothesis will apply as you watch a video involving an Atwood machine (a pulley with two hanging masses moving in alternate directions). Be prepared to discuss your ideas with the instructor or class. Note, if your hypothesis is a qualitative statement (e.g. direction, the bigger the net force is….etc.), you should observe those qualities in your video analysis.

A. State the idea you are going to test.

B. Draw free-body diagrams for both weights on the Atwood machine. When you establish a net force equation for each, how do the results match up with its motion? (For example, does the net force of the left weight match with what you know about its mass and acceleration?) Show all the calculations that you do for each object.

C. Noting down the timer value, the distance the objects travel, and their individual masses.

D. Did the results of the demonstration support the hypothesis you made at the beginning?

E. What real-life factors could have influenced any discrepancies between theoretical predictions and the results of the demonstration?

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