Textual Analysis about The Aeneid by Virgil

In your analysis, please include sections on the following:
1.Setting: What is the setting? Why is it important? Is there any information given about time and location? Is there anything implied? Why might this be significant?
2.Character: Who are the major characters? What are their defining characteristics? Do any characters change significantly throughout the text? Does it seem like a certain character is meant to represent something?
3.Plot: What is the basic outline of what happens in the text? What are the most important moments in the text? Include information about any exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
4.Point-of-view: what is the POV? Why is it important? What style of narration is presented? How does this affect the text overall?
5.Theme: What point or lesson is the author trying to highlight in this text? Are there multiple themes? Are these themes easily recognizable? How might viewers relate to these themes?
6.Symbolism: Is there anything in the text that seems to stand for something else? Are there certain figures or objects of importance? Why might these items be made to stand out?

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