Textual Analysis Paper

Compose a 2000 word essay in which you do a close reading of a specific episode of the television show that your group selected for their midtermpresentation. If your group has chosen a film, do a close reading of a specific scene that is particularly meaningful or significant. Your essay should include a thorough analysis of the stylistic qualities, as well as the function and significance within the rest of the film.(MY GROUP CHOSE THE MOVIE “DO THE RIGHT THING by director SPIKE LEE”) A particular SCENE in the movie that | thought was very meaningful was when Radio Raheem has been killed by the police because of the street fight between Radio Raheem and pizza owner Sal. It shows great significance with Mookie’s character. This specific and like the rest of the scenes, is really powerful. Title of the movie is Do The Right Thing, but every single character seems to not do the right thing.

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