The Age of Revolutions

The Scientific Revolution was the most revolutionary of all revolutions.” Discuss if you agree or disagree with this statement, critically comparing it to at least one other revolution discussed in this course. Discuss the relationship between the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. Could one have occurred without the other? Compare the “Declaration of the Rights of Man” with the “Declaration of Independence.” Discuss which of the two documents is more “revolutionary.” Identify and discuss the revolutionary ideas that are proposed by Mary Wollstonecraft’s in her Vindication of the Rights of Women on pg 465, and Olympe de Gouges’ Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizens, on pgs 477-478. In your opinion, why are they revolutionary? Compare the English and American Bill of Rights. Discuss why each document can be considered to be “revolutionary in its time,” and explain which one you believe to be more revolutionary.

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