“Find out who is at fault and get rid of him,” demanded the CEO. “I’m not going to have a careless employee running up our health care costs. It’s tough enough trying to make a profit without some careless employee causing accidents. There will be a lawsuit, just you wait and see. We are going to be sued!” Gordon Jasperton, Clark Processing Company’s safety director, bit his tongue and just listened. He had learned to let his boss vent before making a counterproposal. When the time seemed right, Jasperton said, “Sir, if we focus on finding an employee to blame, it’s just going to make matters worse. I’ll never get to the root of it that way.” Whose approach is best in this case?

I think the CEO’s approach is best in a situation where a careless employee is running up health costs for a company because the best thing to do is to find out who is doing it and get rid of them before matters get worse. It may be too forward to do this and may be hard to do in some situations but to find the source of the problem (the employee) and to get rid of him or her would be best. Also, if they find the employee and fire he or she for being careless, it will show other employees not to be careless about their work or how they do their work and to do it right. Also if they are careless and have any ideas to sue that they will get fired. The CEO is right to find the source of the problem and to end it right away. It stops the problem or stops future problems and it could prevent it from happening again

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