‘The Australian Dream’

Watch Adam Goodes ‘The Australian Dream’ (Essay based on this)
Structure your assignment with an introduction, three sections that use the headings below, and a conclusion.
You can include headings in your essay if it helps to structure your assignment but it is not mandatory. The word
count for each section is a guide. Please include a reference list and at least 7 academic references. You may
source them from readings and unit content.

  1. Introduction: Introduce the topic of the essay (100 words)
  2. What is a health narrative? Provide an overview, and why it is important in understanding a person’s health
    (350 words)
  3. What are Social Determinants Of Health? Provide a general description, and why it is important in
    understanding a person’s health experience. (350 words)
  4. Case Study:
    • Describe Adam’s health narrative. Give a basic summary and identify the key points. (100 points)
    • Identify and describe how the SDOH of racism and education shaped Adam’s health experience Remember to
    link to supporting the academic literature. (800 words) – THIS IS A BIG MARK SECTION
  5. Conclusion: Summarise the main points (without introducing anything new)(100 words)
    In this assessment please integrate at least 7 scholarly references from the academic literature (you
    may use more) to support your ideas. All referencing is to be in APA 6th format.
    The purpose of this assessment is to help you understand how the social determinants of health (SDOH) shape
    health narratives. It will enable you to reflect on how illness narratives and SDOH are intertwined and need to be
    considered when thinking about people’s health and wellbeing

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