the Australian government response to the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa

I require a literature review contrasting the Australian government response to the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, from 2013-2015- Articles can
be from after this time providing they fall within this tirnefrarne- Word length is 3000 +/- 10%- further description below
Compare and contrast the Australian response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa (2013 / 2015)-
a) Conduct a comprehensive literature review on the event- (Note: You may want to focus your search
on the Key management/leader ship issues you want to address for the assignment)- You must
document a transparent search methodology, including search strategy, sources, date range searched,
any limitations and results-
b) Using the literature identified, review and critique the response to the event with a focus on
leadership issues identified-
c) Be sure to provide a reference list formatted in JCU AMA Vancouver style-
need to take into account the policy environment (Australian government)at the time of the response-
could compare and contrast the Australian response to this crisis to the international response to the crisis-

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