The basis for health decisions people make








As a health educator. we must be able to comprehend the basis for health decisions people make. As it relates to this article, the parents’ culture and beliefs led them to make a choice which they felt was best for their child. Please take a few minutes to address the following issues as it relates to the news article. First, provide a description of the culture in which the decision to not get treatment was made. Try not to use additional references about the news article other than the information found at this particular website-this will give you the opportunity to define a culture based on objective information such as the module readings. Next. discuss if you agree or disagree with the parents decision. You should also provide information on how you would address the parents if they presented the decision to you. Finally. compare and contrast aspects of this article and the article you read as part of the introduction about the vegan parents. What are the similarities and difference in these cases? Would you address both sets of parents in the same manner?



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