The Beveridge Report (1942)

Discuss ;
-The Beveridge Report (1942), pp. 5-17, 48 (“Change 5, paragraph 106), 158-63

-Scenes from “Bicycle Thieves” a film by Vittorio de Sica (1948): beginning – 10:25, 16:43 – 22:13 [Kanopy]

-Scenes from “La Notte,” a film by Michelangelo Antonioni (1961): beginning – 3:20, 19:55 – 31:36, 55:07 – 58:20, 1:18:39 – 1:27:40 [Kanopy]

“I am sorry for the late email (I feel like I say that every week). I want to give us some questions to consider for this week but I wont overload you as I understand you are all working on your papers

1)I want you to read through the Beveridge report and determine what the post war shift is in political culture and ideology. Where do we see this and why do we think this is important?

2) Push past the jargon within the report and consider how ideas of welfare are different across the globe. How do themes of freedom and liberty/political responsibility play in to post war welfare states?

3) (this is an easy one!) give three objectives of the report. I want to make sure you all have some understanding as it is likely this could end up as an ID term on the final.

4) finally, I know the film was not assigned so if you did not have time to get to them I understand. I want you to reflect on how society and culture shift from a post ww1 world through a post ww2 world. We looked at film in both eras and I think there are some important similarities and differences we can discuss.”

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