Discuss your thoughts and feelings about the reading: Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in Cafeteria? Prologue + Parts 1, 2, 3
You must discuss the following questions:
Discuss your reactions and any insights you may have gained by reading any of the sections in Dr. Tatum’s Prologue (in 20th Anniversary Edition) – You must
pick at least ONE (e.g., New Faces, Same Places; Change You Can Believe In?; The Election of President Barack Obama; The Myth of the Color-Blind
Millennial; Black Lives Matter and Millennials in Motion; Not Just a Black Matter; The Election of 2016; Living in the Age of Trump)
What do you think about Dr. Tatum’s discussion on racism (Part 1)
What do you think about Dr. Tatum’s view on understanding blackness in a white context? (Part 2)
What do you think about Dr. Tatum’s view on understanding whiteness in a white context?
Do you agree or disagree with Dr. Tatum? Why or why not?
Please make sure that you refer to specific situations presented in the book but do not summarize the reading. Frame your responses within the literature of
the book. Make sure you formally cite the book in your references.