The book Womanist Midrash be Wilda Gainey (her perspective and imagination are real strengths)

Review the book of Womanist Midrash be Wilda Gainey (her perspective and imagination are real strengths) then indicate a thorough knowledge of the book as a whole. The part of the review should be a summary of the entire volume. Including information pertaining to the work’s basic purpose, its central theme(s) presuppositions, and methods. This first element should present the big picture of this book and its constituent parts. This is the “service” side of the book review: it lets your reader know what the book is about, with enough information to suffice readers in their decision if they want/need to read the book themselves. second: the review should engage the book critically. Does the book accomplish its stated purpose? Have its claims been adequately supported? Is the argument sound? etc. Personally how has reading the book helped you? why in your judgment, is this book important or unimportant? whenever possible, it is ideal to situate your critique of the book within the larger discussion of the subject. only one boo is needed. the start of the review should begin with the relevant bibliographical information…no cover page is needed, just start with the bibliographic information i.e Review f authors name, book name, etc.

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