The Book;Thief


Write an essay that critically analyzes and reviews The Book Thief by Zusak Markus. In other words, you will offer your readers a sneak peek at The Book Thief then discuss if and why you enjoyed the book, if and why you recommend the book, and the value of reading the book and why.

Your essay should help readers understand why this work of fiction is meaningful, or not. You will supplement the novel with at least one of the assigned non-fiction articles and/or the video about the positive impacts of reading. These will provide research for a claim about the value of reading literature.
In the body of the paper, you’ll support your argument by presenting accepted criteria for evaluating literature (see Attachment A) and by making specific references to the novel. In addition to referencing the novel, you should incorporate at least two references to one or more of the assigned articles or the documentary. You may not use any type of non-academic source like GradeSaver, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, Wikipedia, or LitCharts.
In addition, you’ll use an epigraph and academic two-part title
Overview of requirements
Length: 1,000 – 1,250 words (word count begins with first word of the intro and ends with the last word of the conclusion)
Format: MLA including a works cited
Sources: The Book Thief and at least one of the outside articles/videos
Quotations: not to exceed 10% of the total word count (see above for what constitutes word count)
Content: intro, summary, analysis/evaluation, response, and conclusion

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