Create a a Pecha Kucha style presentation, which discusses the following questions that• Investigate and present how your selected HERO actions or activities are related to the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
• Identify what challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
• Suggest what we could learn from their actions.
• Based on their work, provide suggestions for current and future generations.
Pecha Kucha (pronounced peh-cha ku-cha) is a presentation technique especially for those that embrace
PowerPoint, but this method ensures it is fun, fast and interesting.
Presentation targets:1. Develop an understanding of the scope and interrelationships between Business
Ethics, CSR and Sustainability, demonstrating how Business Ethics, CSR and Sustainability models and
theories can be applied to modern national and international organisations.
- Identify the way in which technology impacts on ethical organisational operations.
- Recognise how organisations develop ethical programmes, strategy in order to become
good corporate citizens whilst remaining profitable. - Critically evaluate how leadership, culture and society impact on innovative sustainable
initiatives. - Explore the implications of management, marketing, codes of conduct and international
relations together with how these formulate the ethical principles and values of sustainable organisations.
Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills