The Buggles – Video Killed The Radio Star (Official Music Video



See the video for yourself at It’s in Spanish, but the message is evident.
You have to register for free, and see the video via Windows Media Player 10.

It is said, “a picture speaks a thousand words.” In today’s technocentric world, images are
king and new technology facilitates the communication of visual as well as verbal or
textual messages like never before. Critics have often said that this emphasis on the
visual has contributed to a decline in literacy in our society, and to a certain extent, I
would agree. But as a visual communicator, I assert that visual messages communicate
more powerfully than verbal or textual messages alone. What is literacy but the ability to
read and write in order to communicate with others? Until now, our society has been a
verbally literate one, and thanks to emerging technologies, we will soon be “visually
literate” as well.

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