“The Building Blocks Game”

In History, this is how ideas evolve and change. Each generation has an affect on the beliefs that they inherit, thus altering them in some way before passing them on to the next generation. Beliefs can include philosophy, religion, or even cultural practices, which can be adapted to fit new traditions. Here is your challenge: The Assignment: Each student needs to add to the discussion, so no one is allowed to post the exact same information. Otherwise, you will not earn any extra credit points for this activity. Each student must focus on answering the prompt specifically and should focus their response on a single time period and culture. All responses should be at least 4 or more sentences and should be supported by either the textbook or by sources inside the textbook. Remember, you are discussing facts, not opinions. So back up what you say with your sources. Prompt: How have “beliefs” or “the practice of beliefs” changed in human society from the 15th century to the present.

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