The Civil Rights of 1866. Why Did it Not Work


The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Did It Eliminate Discrimination in the U.S.?
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967: How Effective Has it Been?
The Americans With Disabilities Act: Has it Eliminated Discrimination Among the Disabled?
The Fair Labor Standards Act? Is it Still Relevant in the U.S. Today?
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Has it Served its Usefulness?
Temporary Workers and Independent Contractors? Are They Treated Fairly Under the Existing Law?
Pros and Cons of Employment at Will Doctrine: Is it Really Legal?
Is Affirmative Action Good or Bad for U.S. Organizations?
What is the Real Difference Between Race and Color under the Law? Do We Need Protections for Both?
What is National Origin and Why is it Protected Under the Law?
Is Gender Discrimination Still Real? An Analysis of the Sexes
The State of Sexual Harassment in America: Alive or Dead?
Does Religious Discrimination Really Exist in Today’s America?
Does Age Discrimination Still Exist? What are the Real Causes?
The Unseen Discrimination; Disability Discrimination and its Causes
Does the Privacy Act of 1974 Still Protect Employees?
Is the National Labor Relations Act Still Relevant? A Discussion of Both Sides
Does the Taft Hartley Act Have any Relevance in America Today?

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