The Concept of Worldview

Explain the Concept of Worldview Specify how the fundamental concepts found in all worldviews are addressed from a Christian worldview perspective in terms of (a) ultimate reality, (b) origins, (c) purpose, (d) brokenness of humanity, and (e) restoration. Choose and identify a worldview other than Christianity, and specify how the fundamental concepts found in all worldviews are addressed in that non-Christian perspective in terms of (a) ultimate reality, (b) origins, (c) purpose, (d) brokenness of humanity, and (e) restoration. Analyze Worldview Issues in Light of a Missiological Purpose Apart from the foundational concepts of worldview in the first section of this assignment, identify key worldview issues that are embedded in culture. Make sure to include the development of these worldviews in your discussion. How do these issues contribute to the conversation about worldview and missions? Examine the Process of Worldview Transformation How does worldview transformation happen? What are the ramifications of worldview transformation that a missions-oriented Christian should consider?

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