The concepts of Organizational Behavior



In order for the concepts of Organizational Behavior to be internalized, it is important to apply material to real world problems. This project mandates the student to select one current or historical event and apply and discuss at least 7 (maximum 10) course concepts to this event. You are allowed to include key people involved in the event as part of the study. The student must draw from at least 5 chapters from your textbook and apply it to this organization or event.
Ø Purpose:

Provide students an opportunity to understand events, individuals, and organizations in the context of organizational behavior.
Ø Content:

Describe the individual, group, or organization.
Create a sub-heading for each organizational behavior concept you wish to apply. Example: discuss motivation (Chapter 5) as it applies to one person and discuss organizational structure (Chapter 12) as it applies to a company. Show how these concepts are (or are not) relevant to the individual group, or organization.



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