The critical factors


Writing assigment SOC_4306 23755:Yajaira Ceciliano-Navarro – Fully Online Course-to-Course Navigation
•Read the article by Mora et al. (2018). According to the scholars, in the scholarship of social movements, there are four key factors
•(a) emergence; (Page 3)
•(b) participation; (Page 7)
•(c) framing; and (Page 9)
•(d) outcomes. (Page 10)
•Select only one of the critical factors and explain how Mora et al. (2018) use the factor to inform about immigration social movements. (200-250 words)
•Mora, M. D. J., Rodriguez, R., Zermeño, A., & Almeida, P. (2018). Immigrant rights and social movements. Sociology Compass, 12(8), e12599.
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