The dangers of soy

When evaluating the credibility of a source (especially a webpage), we must read that text with a strong critical
eye. “Critical,” in this context, doesn’t simply mean making negative comments or looking exclusively for faults
and failings; instead, critical reading involves evaluating the quality and credibility of something (i.e., what
works well, what might be flawed, what biases might be present, etc.). To hone your skills as critical readers, I
would like for you to read and then evaluate the article “Soy Is Making Kids Gay” by Jim Rutz. Use the
following prompts below to help guide your analysis:
What is the overall argument of the article? Can you pinpoint 1-2 sentences that could serve as the article’s
thesis (main argument)?
Find out more information about the author of the article. Is there anything about the author’s personal beliefs
or credentials that might create a bias or unfair influence in his writing?
Explore the website (source) of the article by looking at other articles, the “About Us” section, and even
advertisements. Do you think that this particular site might be written for a particular audience? Would this
audience have a bias toward the topic explored in Rutz’s article?
Check the article’s currency (when it was published or written). Does the date show that the article is recent
and up-to-date or not? Why might the currency effect the validity of the article’s argument?
What parts of the author’s argument are written especially well? Provide specific examples. Why do you feel
these examples are particularly successful?
What parts of the author’s arguments are weak or unfair? Again, provide specific examples. Why do you feel
that these examples are particularly unsuccessful?

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