The drug court in your jurisdiction.


Scenario: You are a member of the Drug Court Committee. Your job is to educate the public, the media, and concerned government officials on the mission and operation of the drug court in your jurisdiction. You are tasked with developing a comprehensive drug court information paper. The paper explains what a drug court is, how it operates, and what goals the drug court has for its referrals. The paper will be available to any concerned parties on how and why the drug court exists. Include responses to the following concerns in your 3–5-page paper:

What does the drug court do?
Does the drug court hand out mandated sentences, or is participation voluntary?
What legal rights can a participant expect to lose while he or she is in the drug court program?
Because there are already jails and prisons, what makes the drug court necessary?
What benefit does society have by having a drug court program?
What are the benefits to the person enrolled in the drug court program?
Does the drug court program affect other criminal activity?



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