The education policy implication



Read the attached Washington Post article published yesterday (attached). The article includes several “economics of education” topics/concepts we have covered in class. In your assignment, I want you to provide a brief discussion about the article which should include these five things:

What is the author’s main argument in the article?
Identify any 2 related economic of education concept(s) that the article uses to make their core argument?
How do the above-identified concepts fit into the content and economic frameworks we discussed in class related to that concept?
For example, in the article, the author talks about a study where they compare the earnings of students who scored just above 2.8 GPA and were thus allowed to become an economics major and just below 2.8 (so not allowed to become an economics major). What quasi-experimental research design that we discussed in class does this study use? What is an underlying assumption of that research design?
Do you agree or disagree with the author’s argument? Briefly explain why or why not?
Finally, what is the education policy implication that the author alludes to in the end? In other words, if a policymaker (assume in this case that the policymaker is a university president/provost who can change the grading policy followed in the university) agrees with the argument that the author is making, what policy should they make?


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