The entrepreneurial problem with an emerging-market.

The case combines an entrepreneurial problem with an emerging-market. It examines: 1. The constraints d.light faced in creating an aligned distribution channel. These constraints can have legal, environmental, and/or managerial foundations 2. Demand-side misalignments in the channel structure that will occur if d.light chooses one or another of the considered channels in the case, namely, (a) the RE (rural entrepreneur) channel, (b) the village retailer channel, or (c) the centralized shops channel 3. What mix of channels―or what single channel―d.light should focus on in the Indian market Your analysis should answer these questions: What channel alignment constraints face d.light as it thinks about how to establish a channel structure in India? List and describe any legal, environmental, and managerial constraints. For rural consumers in India, discuss how these channel alignment constraints lead to demand-side misalignments if the company sells through the: Rural entrepreneur channel, and link these misalignments to constraints (legal and/or environmental and/or managerial) Village retailer channel, and link these misalignments to constraints (legal and/or environmental and/or managerial) Centralized shops channel, and link these misalignments to constraints (legal and/or environmental and/or managerial) Conclude from this analysis what d.light’s channel structure (single of mix of channel) should should be its highest priority, and why? Please download the material via this link:

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