The Fires of Jubilee

Biography Essay Set- HIST 1301
Consider The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion, by Stephen B. Oates
Always use the Index to the fullest degree. In your answers make sure you ‘clear’ all the index entries under the topic and beyond to be sure you get the full picture of the topic for your answer.
Make sure your answers include specifics, quotations, and citations from the entire book.

  1. Abolitionists, Insurrectionists, and the Road to Civil War…
    How did the Abolitionists operate during the decades of Nat Turner’s story? Why were they considered trouble makers and kooks?
    How did the North and South regard this movement and who was leading the way? How were
    Abolitionists blamed for Slavery’s insurrectionists?
    What were the large scale consequences of Nat Turner’s revolt on a local, county and state level?
    How was the revolt used by political and religious powers in 19th century America?
    What is your overall appreciation of the complexity and explosiveness of the issues that were
    driving us toward Civil War?
    Times New Roman, 12 Font, Double Space, 3 Pages

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