The function of media in our society


There are 3 separate parts to this activity: (you do not need to respond to your classmates but you do need to respond to all 3 parts of this activity)

  1. Define the term “Political Socialization” ( put this in your own words). How does each of the following affect your political party association: parents/family, friends, religion, education, and professional life.
  2. The role of First Lady is not an elected position and it is not a paid job. However, during her time spent as First Lady, there is always an initiative that is launched. For example, Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign and Melania Trump is focusing on cyberbullying. Should the President’s spouse be expected to enter public life with an agenda? Are there subjects or agendas that the First Lady should be avoided? Name a previous First Lady and identify her focus while her husband was in office.
  3. Go to the website: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ( you can go to the topics page or the poll questions page) . Choose an issue that interests you that have recent poll data and think about your personal opinion about the poll. How does your opinion compare to public opinion ? Is your personal opinion in the majority or the minority? What is the difference between individual opinions and public opinions? 200 words each


  1. Name 3 ways the media plays a role in political campaigns. Which role, in your opinion has had the largest influence on American politics?
  2. Name 3 ways the media influences voters. In your opinion, does the media positively or negatively affect voters and their opinions?
  3. Does the government have more influence over the media, or do the media have more influence over the government?


  1. Voter registration has declined over the past 10 years. Name 3 reasons why registration has declined and why people are not voting.
  2. Currently, each state controls and runs its own election polls. In your opinion, should state voting for presidential elections be uniform (meaning should the federal government ensure that all states have exact same polling equipment and use the same voting software)?
  3. The eligibility requirements for the office of President, Senator and Representatives were set over 200 years ago. Do they need to be updated? Which requirements should be changed and why?

Chapter 7 Activity

Fill in the following:

1 Name one interest group:
2 Does the interest group have a website? If so, what is it?
3 Is this group a single issue or multiple issue group?
4 Is it a business interest group, agricultural group, labor interest group, interest group of 5 professionals, environmental group or public interest group?
5 Describe the purpose of this interest group and whether or not they have been successful in their efforts?


Interest groups use a wide range of techniques and strategies to promote their policy goals. Few, however, are successful at persuading Congress to endorse their programs and subsequently their programs are blocked or lose momentum.

  1. Identify 3 interest groups and give an example of a direct technique and an indirect technique that each group may use to influence Congress
  2. Should the Constitution be changed to create rules around how interest groups can function in our system, specifically how interest groups can spend money on campaigns, donate money to candidates, or lobby government? What are the advantages and disadvantages of addressing interest groups through the Constitution?
  3. Do you think the way that interest groups are categorized makes sense? For instance, is there a difference between economic groups and professional associations? (see p.248 in your book)


What is the difference between hard and soft money?

What is the difference between a PAC (political action committee) and a SuperPAC (super political action committee)?


What is a Political Party?

What are the two major political parties in the US?

Why has the Two- Party system endured ( two- party system refers to Republicans and Democrats being the primary parties)


The following news stories highlight party-in-the-electorate, party organization, and party-in-government. Read or listen to each story and identify which component of the political party the story highlights. (You only need to choose 1 story from each and you only need to write 2-3 sentences for each).


  1. “Will Mississippi’s Black Democrats Save a Republican?” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  2. “Backlash Over State Party’s Progressive Agenda May Hobble Udall.” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  3. “The Story of the Parties’ Crucial Appeals to Women in She Votes.” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Party organization-

  1. “Delegates Hold Keys to the Democratic Nomination.” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  2. “Unlocking the Mysteries of Delegate Selection.” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


  1. “House Republican Conference to Choose Cantor’s Successor.” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  2. “More Republicans Push for Fixing, Not Repealing Obamacare.” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Chapter 10 Activity

Respond to all questions in this section and you do not need to respond to your classmates

Should the media have to reveal all of their sources? Why or why not? In your answer, include a link to a story on the internet that supports your belief in whether the media should or should not reveal their sources.

1 Under what circumstances might it be considered fair or unfair?

2 What is the function of media in our society?

3 How does the media impact political campaigning?

4 Should the government regulate or control the media? Why or why not?

Fill in the chart based on the percentage in this column for the 2012 and 2016 election ( if you can’t find it in the book google ” 2012 and 2016 election demographics”

2012 election 2016 election
Democrats Republicans Democrats Republicans


not a high school graduate
high school graduate
college graduate
postgraduate education

We are currently in a technological age. Keeping this in mind, do you think it would be possible to assemble a political party targeting people with a Facebook page; Instagram; or Twitter? In other words, a group of political activists would develop and create a political party by reaching out to people using only social media. Pros? Cons?

What incentives might influence US citizens under the age of 25 to actually join and actively participate in a political party?

Two of the main roles of political parties are to take responsibility for the government and its policies as the party in power, and the party out of power is expected to provide clear opposition. Are these roles possible when we have divided government?

Do you think the US will ever have one political party ( all political parties merged into one party)? Is it necessary to have more than one party?

Respond to all questions and don’t forget to review your classmates comments and respond to at least 2 of their posts

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