The fundamentals of the U.S. government







You are a recent immigrant who has moved to the United States to attend college. Your family has never been to the United States, and you are excited to tell them all about it, in particular the fundamentals of the U.S. government you are learning about in one of your courses.
Compose a 3-page letter to your family in which you outline the fundamentals of the U.S. government. Be sure to do the following:
Briefly explain the purpose of the Constitution. Use relevant and factual information in your explanation.

Briefly explain two American ideals (e.g., democracy, liberty, equality, justice, freedom, or opportunity).
Your explanation should include a definition of each ideal and your understanding of what those ideals mean to the average U.S. citizen.

Using what you submitted in your Week 4 Activity, explain how the current event article you chose serves as an example of one of the ideals selected.
Explain how a constitutional liberty has personally benefited or impacted you as a student or a citizen in the United States.
Provide two or more specific and relevant examples.



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