“The Gift of the Magi”



Choose a symbol from either “The Gift of the Magi” or “Everyday Use” and discuss what significance this symbol had to you as the reader (an example of this would be the combs Jim gave to Della and a discussion about a precious gift that you received or gave). Use text examples in this section.

If someone were to write your life story, what symbol would be present and why? How does this symbol represent you? You can attach a picture of your symbol (an example of this might be a baby blanket from your childhood or a baseball from your first game).

https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45703/i-heard-a-fly-buzz-when-i-died-591 ( Emily Dickerson )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4mmeN8gv9o&ab_channel=TED (Ziauddin Yousafzai )

Yousafzai, Dickinson, both incorporate unique perspectives in their words. In what perspective does the world see you? In what perspective do you see yourself?

It is important for you to develop an honest and unique perspective of yourself as you continue your journey through school, and through career changes or advancements. Use this discussion board to gain some insight on how to present yourself to others.

Choose one of the following interview questions from Indeed.com and respond to the question in two well-developed paragraphs(five or more sentences each). In your response be professional, academic, and honest.

What motivates you?

What are you passionate about?

What makes you unique?

What are your greatest strengths?

In what areas would you like to improve?

How would others describe you?


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