The Hero’s Journey

  1. According to Joseph Campbell, many events in our lives follow the mythological hero’s cycle. We experience the three major stages of departure, initiation and return many times throughout our lives. After familiarizing yourself with the hero’s cycle as explained in our course module, please write about a person in your life – a family member, friend, etc. – who went through the hero’s cycle and write an Introductory Paragraph.
  2. In the subsequent 5 paragraphs, identify and explain how the following aspects of the hero’s cycle apply to your personal hero. You’ll need to clearly indicate which part of your story is which part of the cycle…don’t assume I know.

Call to Adventure
Crossing the First Threshold
Road of Trials
Any variables experienced along the way
Ultimate boon

The Hero’s Journey NPR TedTalk

Perseus video

Joseph Campbell on the Hero’s JourneyLinks

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