The history of American popular culture



In other words, we are applying the ideas in the film to the history of American popular culture that we learned about in our textbook. Choose a particular time in American history, and then illustrate the popular culture in that time period.
• What is the meaning of class?
• Is it about social and/or economic position? Income? Education? Prestige? Power and control? One’s culture?
• Taste and lifestyle, regardless of income?
• One’s race, religion, or ethnicity?
• One’s job?
• One’s self-image and attitude about the world?

Think about all of those various aspects/definitions of class, and find at least five images which illustrate the popular culture of classes in the particular period of American history that you decided to illustrate.

In your main posting, have one paragraph to tell us what time period you have chosen to illustrate and what your presentation illustrates about social class in that time period. Then, in your presentation, include a minimum of five


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