The ideal opportunities presented by HACU to improve skills

  1. What interests you about the HACU National Internship Program?
  2. How will the HACU National Internship Program enhance your academic and career goals?
  3. What role do you see public service playing in your professional and personal life?
  4. Given your work experiences, what skills do you bring to the HACU National Internship Program, and what skills are you looking to further develop?

My motivating factors are basically a result of the ideal opportunities presented by HACU to improve my skills and have a more specific idea about my major, which is mechanical engineering.
As a young undergraduate, having the opportunity to experience what will be my post graduation duty is not to be missed. It will help me have an idea of what will soon be my everyday routine and give me the opportunity of putting my acquired knowledge to the service of a company. It will increase my motivation and boost me in the completion of my studies. Participating in this internship will be for me the perfect occasion to evaluate myself. I will have an idea of what I must put more focus on throughout my pathway, what are my weaknesses and get advice on how can I work on them
National Internship Program of exploring a variety of career options available within the federal government and the corporate sector through HACU National Internship Program being the largest Hispanic internship program in the country.
My personal motivations to apply for this internship program include to get some professional experience in the fields that I am majoring in (mechanical Engineering). In this world’s competitive market having experience in my field of study with a very good internship program before I graduate would make me more appealing to potential employers and put me one step ahead of the competition, therefore increasing the changes that I get to choose which company to work for, rather than being pressured on me by lack of opportunities.
I set a goal for myself to get an internship in 2020 with HACU so that I can get unique insights in my field of study and network with people from other parts of the world, so that I can expand my horizons and also Secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my training and skills.

During my internship I would like to focus on leadership skills, so that I can easily motivate other people as well as myself. I want to develop critical thinking, or as some people call it the “entrepreneur mind” which is the ability to see one step ahead than other people normally would and make decisions about it earlier and that way stay ahead of the competition.

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