1. Is climate change a real phenomenon, or something scientists still need to collect more data about? Explain your thinking.
2. Choose a location that is meaningful to you. You will be working with this location all semester – it can be your hometown, a favorite vacation spot, or somewhere you have always wanted to travel.
3. Explain why you chose this location. That is, why is this location important or meaningful to you?
4. How might a DECREASE or an INCREASE in temperature affect each of the following characteristics of your location? You do not need to know the answer – just make an educated guess. EXPLAIN YOUR REASONING!
4a. Water resources: sources of water that are useful or potentially useful (for home use, agriculture, industry, energy, etc.)
4b. Biodiversity: the variety of plants and animals and other living things in a particular area or region
4c. Precipitation: snow, rain, hail, etc.
4d. Agriculture: the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel, drugs, and other products used to sustain and enhance human life.
4e. Outdoor Recreation: includes activities that occur outdoors in man-made environments as well as those activities traditionally associated with the natural environment
4f. Environmental Human Health: public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and man-made environments that may affect human health. For example, organisms or chemicals in the environment can affect human health.