The impact of early experiences on brain development

The emphasis on the impact of early experiences on brain development has changed some ways we think about being with infants. In 3 paragraphs, respond to the following:

In your opinion, what do care teachers need to know about brain development in the womb, in infancy, and in toddlerhood? Support your opinions with information from this week’s reading assignments.
List and describe ways that care teachers can support healthy brain development in infancy and toddlerhood. Include at least 2 specific examples of what you might do as a care teacher.
2nd discussion

As an infant or toddler care teacher, you might be working with young families who are expecting another baby. Because of your expertise in child development, parent’s may turn to you for advice. There is so much information out there about pregnancy and birth, some of it is great and some of it is not.

In 3 paragraphs, respond to the following:

Begin this weeks discussion by describing how you critically analyze a website resource to know if it is a high quality resource or not. Specifically, what are some things you look for?
Then identify 3 quality resources that provide high quality information about pregnancy or birth for expectant families. For each one 1) share the web link and a brief summary of what resources or information are available for parents and 2) why do you feel this is a quality resource for expectant families?

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