The impact of gentrification in the Latinx communities






Prompt: In 250 words, discuss the parallels between the impact of gentrification in the Latinx
communities in Los Angeles and Black communities in Portland.




Facilitate online critical dialogues with your peers on lectures by other scholars in the field,
cultural artifacts, podcast, film, documentary, or lecture material. These forums also aim to
create a sense of community in an online setting by constructing a different space for critical
dialogue and reflection.
Format & Content
post should be a minimum of 250 words, use conventional font (Times New Roman,
Times, 12-point font only), include word count at the bottom of your post and address the
following questions:
a) What are the dominant themes/issues addressed in the video/s watched?
b) What connections can you draw to the texts read in class and/or your project?
c) Can you make connections to contemporary issues?
d)include a word count at the bottom of each post and response.

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