The Impact of the Development of Party Politics in Taiwan on Cross-Strait Relations

The Impact of the Development of Party Politics in Taiwan on Cross-Strait Relations





Basic Components

– Reasons or rationale for picking the selected issue/topic and the country case: You must clearly identify the issue(s) that concerns you the most regarding the ethical, equity, and justice considerations for international development about your selected case. Briefly explain why the issue/topic and case are important and, provide your own personal and/or academic reasons for choosing them.
– Clear preliminary research question and thesis statement: You must formulate a clear question of your own or one that you identify in the course readings (or in any additional sources you have found so far) that interests you. Keep in mind that this question will most likely evolve as you go through the process of research and reflection, but it will serve you as a compass or guiding light. This should be accompanied by your preliminary or tentative response or hypothesis (thesis statement) – that is the key idea or argument to be developed.


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