Explore the impact of World War II on the lives of American women. Be sure to discuss the impact of race and ethnicity on the lives of these women. Was World War II a watershed for all women? Why or why not?
Explore the impact of World War II on the lives of American women. Be sure to discuss the impact of race and ethnicity on the lives of these women. Was World War II a watershed for all women? Why or why not? The essay must be 6-7 pages in length, double-spaced, numbered, include 1 inch margins, use 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and include a cover page that identifies who you are, the title of the course, the name of your instructor, and include the title Final Exam. The essay must include footnotes or endnotes and a Works Cited or Bibliography page. The citation style must be Chicago/Turabian. The selected sources must be appropriate to the exam topic, the citations must support the assertions made in the exam, and footnotes or endnotes must be used in each instance where detailed explanations would distract from the argument. Each exam will include three main parts—the Thesis/Introduction, Argument, and Conclusion. The Introduction section should clearly state the thesis within the first 1-2 paragraphs.