The impacts of senior managers’ dispositional optimism on the successful outcomes of crisis management


Background: – I have written an article (with a Literature Review focus) on the same topic (title was tweaked) and attached it to this order – Because the article is in the process of being published, you should treat it as a published work and only use it as a guide – However, please use all the six themes of dispositional optimism analysed in the article that are mostly drawn from personal crisis and management dispositional optimism research: self-regulation, goal attainment, coping mechanisms, effects on relationships, managerial search and curvilinear relationships on optimism. Please add a theme that is missing – self-efficacy – as the 2nd theme after self-regulation. Additional Request: – Three to five research Format: – Use British English References: – Academic sources only – Use of EndNote Desktop is preferred. That way, the writer can share a softcopy of the references and I will not have to retype all the references used in the Literature Review. My thesis uses

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