The importance of early social relationships



The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to further explore the importance of early social relationships.
Your assigned reading for this week contains a case study at the end of Chapter 4 which can be found on page 169. This case study involves a young mother
and her young baby. After reading the case study, please address the following questions below:
1) Comment on the quality of the attachment relationship between Angela and Adam and between Sarah and Angela. Do you think that Adam is at risk for
developmental problems? Discuss. How would you describe the attachment style of Angela and Adam as the children in this scenario.
2) Using the model of intergenerational transmission of attachment presented in this chapter, discuss the transmission sequence as it applies to this care.
3) What kinds of intervention could you suggest to helps the members of this family?
4) How would you engage with a parent who is maltreating a child? What steps would you take to help in the circumstance?


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