The Lorax
How does the text represent the Lorax? In other words, how does the text create a sense of his character traits? Choose one specific page from The Lorax (not the same one I chose) and analyze it: explain exactly what verbal and visual elements contribute to his characterization. For example, how does the Lorax’s physicality create a sense of his character traits? What does the Lorax seem to represent and/or be closely associated with?
Who is presented in a more sympathetic way, the Lorax or the Once-ler? What details make you say that, specifically? What does that suggest about which character’s beliefs are endorsed or validated by the story? In other words, whose views are more sympathetic in this story? Which character’s viewpoint does the story seem to be privileging (i.e., representing as more valuable or important or positive)? What specific textual details make you say that?
What would you say is the main message of The Lorax? Don’t just identify a topic, but tell me what claim the story makes about that topic!


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